Two big families of belt pulleys are used for belt drive: timing belt and V- belt (no toothing) Peculariar features are:
- Pitch line lenght
- Type
- Width
Example: 670 XH 300
The first number indicates the pitch line length value and is expressed in tenths of inches. The letters show the pitch and then the type of belt (XL1/5 (5.00) L=3/8” (9.525) etc.) The last number indicates the belt width value and is expressed in hundredths of an inch.
V- belts pulleys differ from timing belt pulleys for the type of belt ( V-section) they fit in. Sati has in stock a wide range of V- belt pulley of different types ( according to type and width of belts). The material used is cast iron EN-GJL-250 UNI EN 1561, and for only a few types it is steel C45 E UNI EN 10083-1. They have a small prebore that can be machined according to customers’ requirements. Moreover the most common types are available also with taperlock bore.
Here following all type of pulleys available divided by belts and number of grooves they fit in.SPZ (prebored or taperbored with a seat for one up to 8 grooves for belts)
- SPA (prebored or taperbored with a seat for one up to 6 grooves for belts)
- SPB (prebored or taperbored with a seat for one up to 10 grooves for belts)
- SPC (prebored or taperbored with a seat for one up to 10 grooves for belts)